
Aegis smart contract monitoring system is based on triggers. Triggers are observable on-chain events that set off alerts through user notification channels. Within Aegis, triggers fall into four broad categories based on the type of detectable on-chain activity:

Potential Risks triggers are derived from Findings and related to smart contract security issues spotted by Aegis. These are composed of both specific smart contract Risk Type(s) and an AI-generated Risk Score based on suspicious activity.

Events triggers are related to a change of state in the deployed smart contract. These are highly customizable and inform developers, platforms, and web3 stakeholders that a potentially significant event has occurred.

Function Calls triggers are related to interactions with the monitored smart contracts. Aegis detects and notifies users when any smart contract function is called on-chain.

Value triggers are related to a broad array of value-based events:

Transfer Thresholds trace asset movements to and from a monitored address.

TVL Changes monitor fluctuations in Total Value Locked.

Token Mints track whether an ERC-type contract is minting new tokens.

Wallet Activity triggers are reserved for all wallet actions on the chain like Transfer, Swap or Approve. Currently, this feature can only be toggled “on” or “off” and it is not possible to pick and choose which specific activity to track. Wallet Activity functionality is exclusive to wallet-type monitored addresses.

Last updated