Release notes


Aegis dApp

  • New view for analysing any contract by entering it's address.

  • Made some of the features accessible directly through telegram bot

  • Firewall email notifications

  • Link for buying LSS for Boost users.

  • Updated copy


  • Fixed filtering by date

  • Added additional information on the reports page

  • New risk score API

  • Performance improvements


Aegis dApp


  • Sorting monitored addresses by name.

  • Fixed metrics on Aegis dashboard.

  • Improved fetching balances and allowances.

  • Backtesting enabled for full LSS Boost users.


  • Referrals enabled on Aegis and dApp.

  • Maintenance pages added.

  • Wallet specific risk processing enabled.

  • Frontrunning improvements in the background.

  • Saved alert settings can be applied to multiple addresses.

  • Arbitrum support on Token Minter.


  • Arbitrum network supported on Aegis and dApp.

  • New public report page for findings to make findings easily shareable.

  • Panic Button on dApp lets dApp users protect their funds.

  • Web3modal to connect with mobile wallets for LSS Boost and Panic Button.

  • Performance and stability fixes.

  • Refreshed links on protocol pages.


  • Improved website navigation with more intuitive product separation.

  • Improved UX and navigation on Aegis application.

  • Saving and reusing an alert setting template.

  • New view on Aegis Dashboard with informative current stats.

  • Improved tracking and handling of roles in contract analysis.

  • General infrastructure and performance improvements.


  • Monitored address management page.

  • Monitored address labels.

  • Bulk import of monitored addresses (learn how).

  • Improved handling of potential risks for noise reduction.

  • Improvements to performance and scalability.

  • Improved handling of various provider failures.


  • USD values for TVL and transfers tracking.

  • Default monitoring channel and prompt to enable default monitoring settings.

  • Improvements to the findings algorithm.

  • Various improvements to UI and performance.

  • Infrastructure improvements to support more chains.

  • Background work for frontrunning.


  • 2 free monitored addresses on Aegis dApp

  • LSS Boost on Aegis dApp

  • Allowances on Aegis dApp

  • dApp UX and UI improvements

  • Wallet interaction types filter on wallet alerts


New 🆕


  • Wallet allowances management

  • Findings since last log in


  • Further wallet notification improvements

  • Show available contract functions in Interact - Write

  • ABI fetching fixes

  • Website navigation and UX improvements

  • Back-end improvements and additions to support new features


New feature

  • Alerts management view that shows all your active alerts and a counter of times triggered.

    • Trigger count will begin incrementing from 2023-11-22 forward.

Improvements and fixes

  • Major improvement to wallet activity notifications.

  • Subscription management improvements.

  • User and organization member handling improvement.

  • Migration from Snowtrace to Avascan.

  • Trigger category icons adjustment.


Improvements and fixes

  • Major improvement to Telegram channel creation.

  • Indicator of role, plan and LSS Boost status on navigation bar.

  • Explorer access from Findings and Findings retention notice.

  • Tooltips on key views and concepts.

  • New "Uniswap Pair" contract type supported.

  • New user type "Mixer User" which includes Tornado cash users and Railgun users.

  • New risk type "New Account" which indicates the suspicious transaction triggered by an address with up to 5 transactions in total.

  • Minor improvements to adding team member flow.

  • Various improvements to performance and resource use.


New features for individual users

  • LSS Boost for users who want to track more than 1 contract and get access to all notification types on their wallet.

  • Panic Button to set up an emergency fund movement procedure in case you detect anything suspicious.

  • Wallet Activity tracking to track all your wallet's on-chain activity in real time.

Improvements & fixes

  • Email formatting improvements.

  • Performance improvements for wallet type monitored accounts.

  • Quick actions on contract analysis view.

  • Editing notifications channels is now possible.

  • Notification retries implemented.

  • SMS notification format and content improvement.

  • Various UX and performance improvements across the board.


Complete UI overhaul

  • Substantial improvement to all key flows including adding a monitored address, notification channel and alert.

  • Setup wizard to get you from adding a monitored address to creating an alert as fast as possible.

  • New navigation menu with quick access to all your monitored addresses.

  • An intuitive monitored address page with dedicated tabs for all key actions.

  • Completely new settings page with tabs for specific account and team actions.

  • Dark & light modes.


  • Added the option to filter findings by chain.

  • Slack and Telegram notification improvements.

    • At-a-glance identification of alert type and severity.

    • More informative notifications.

  • Email notification improvements.

    • At-a-glance identification of alert type and severity in the inbox.

    • More informative notifications.

    • Email design improved to align with the new UI.

  • Minor performance improvements.

Last updated