Aegis Pulse

Aegis Pulse

Aegis Pulse is a service for setting up custom alert channels that help foster community trust and project security. The service enables teams to easily set up public (or private) alert channels for notifications about critical smart contract events without incurring additional overheads.

Aegis Pulse has been designed as a low-effort monitoring service where teams can set up alerts without an Aegis account or code integration. Yet the alerts are also highly customizable if needed and can help teams track not only malicious web3 activity but also sensitive function calls, smart contract events, TVL milestones, and much more.

How does Aegis Pulse work?

The service is powered by Aegis AI-driven pattern recognition. Aegis oversees all smart contract interactions, automatically detecting potential threats. Instant notifications are then sent directly to your alert channels, allowing for immediate countermeasures to be taken.

Teams can choose whether to make alerts public or keep them for internal use. Public alerts foster community vigilance and greatly boost project credibility. Private alert channels enable timely team response to critical security incidents.

Aegis Pulse can also be configured to send notifications about other on-chain events, including TVL fluctuations, token transfers, specific smart contract events, function calls, and much more.

How do I begin monitoring?

Aegis Pulse has been designed to be a hands-off service. Teams can set up alerts without an Aegis account or code integration. Simply specify which smart contracts you would like to monitor and let our expert team handle the rest.

After an initial consultation, our team will pinpoint your unique requirements and craft a bespoke smart contract monitoring strategy. We will devise a contract monitoring plan tailored to your particular needs and set up the Telegram channel for you. Our flexible pricing structure accommodates various project scopes and we allow payment in FIAT and $LSS.

For a personalized consultation, email or fill out our contact form.

Last updated